Friday, November 19, 2010

Zoom zoom zooooom!!


So yesterday I went on an amazing bike ride along the one and ONLY bike path here.  Hey, at least there’s one!  The leaves are finally changing here so I decided I needed to capture them.

This one seems to be a popular one, and I must say, it’s my favorite and exactly what I was hoping to capture on my outing.

On to the leaves!

In that last one you can juuuuuust see Mimi on the left side of the photo!


I had read about a nifty zoom effect on Digital Photography School that I decided to give a whirl.





This one is along the dock I later found.



Speaking of that dock, I took this panoramic while sitting at the end of it.  It’s of Wilson Bay, and it was gorgeous!




Also found this lovely spot.



On my way back, I was at a crosswalk and happened to look down and see this.



Lovely ending to that ride eh?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Black holes and revelations

Ok srsly, I know I’m a horrible blogger…my updates are not what they should be.  bad bad me.  But at least something is better than nothing!


In knitting news, I’ve been the busy lil needle clicker.  I finished my Geodesic Cardigan.  And holy crap that was a feat!


I absolutely LOVE it!! Even though it’s lace weight it’s still really warm.  I did the sleeves two at a time with magic loop, and even though it seemed like it took longer that way, I’m super glad I did.  They’re the same length and I didn’t have to worry about running out of yarn.


I also finished a pair of the Dashing fingerless gloves for a friend of mine in SF.

Jailbait I hope they fit!!!


I also finally caved in and felted Malabrigo.  I made myself slippers, and holy crap they’re the most comfy slippers ever!  Holding 2-3 strands together makes them a pretty quick knit and they felted in about 10 mins in the washer.  However, it did take almost 2 days for them to dry =\ I blame the humidity.


And lastly, Doug’s awesome gloves.  I finished these over the summer but since it’s finally cooling off here he gets to wear them on his 10 mile bike ride to work.  He keeps telling me how he shows them off to people when he gets there, its adorable <3.


On a sappy note, he finally talked me into getting in front of a camera (more like bribing).  So we took a few pics of us together, and I must say, we look afkndorable.



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