Friday, February 26, 2010

New beginnings…

So, I’ve been back in town for a whole day, and I already feel like I’ve gotten so much accomplished.  Got back into my workout routine at the gym, also got back on my bike.  I can’t tell if my legs are happy or mad about the biking part.. but damn it feels good.  I’ve gone from not wanting to get out of bed or even leave my apartment, to waking up at 6:30 am. getting to the gym for a 1.5-2 hour work out, and getting errands done before noon.  I wish I had this cloud lifted from my head sooner, cuz damn it feels good to go outside and breathe the beautiful air.


I spent a good 2 hours today just walking around town in the rain.  It was nice to see so many people out and enjoying the day like myself.  I saw a few statues that I’ve decided are just too plain or naked.  I also thought of the bell that’s in front of city hall, some type of knitting needs to go on that.  I walked thru the park blocks and saw a few more statues that needed some color, but its just a matter of reaching them that I need to figure out.  I want to make cozies for the park benches as well.  Possibly the ones in the park by the federal building.  I think if I get enough of them done I can get all the benches on that block done. Ooooo such a challenge!


I also saw soooo many photo ops today, but felt a part of me wilt when I remembered I dont have the canon anymore.  I think in order for me to be able to save up any sort of money for the camera I want, I’ll have to find another job. And I’m SO glad I can say ‘another job’.  So many people here can’t even find one, and I was lucky enough to be given one at an amazing store!


I also can’t believe that I’ve been asked to be interviewed three times for yarn bombing.  And then, after my article in the Rapid City Journal, somehow Peggy McMullen, a blogger for the Oregonian, found that article and blogged about it!  It’s like two interviews at once!  I finally feel like I’m making a mark somehow and that I can make a statement and someone will notice.


All in all it’s been an amazing return home, a fantastic day filled with love and excitement.  I had a wonderful night with my amazing knitters at HK, followed by beer (& way too many tots) at the pub across the street.  I missed you all so much and it’s great to be around you all again!  Then biked up to another friends place and played wii for awhile (mario cart is redic amounts of fun).  And my bike ride home was brisk, quiet, and a perfect ending to my day.


I can’t wait for tomorrow!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Finally moving..

I figure its time I finally get my butt blogging, so here I go! 


I’m headed back to Portland (FINALLY) and I have so many ideas of what i want to do once I get back.  First with yarn bombing, I want to get the park benches dressed up, along with the water fountains.  Also want to hit a few of the bike racks up on Belmont in front of Stumptown (I think that would be an awesome photo op).


As for knitting projects, it’s time I tackle socks!  And a friend has a giant knitting project I just might try to take on.  We shall see!


As for myself, I have done a lot of reflecting on what I have and haven’t been the past few years.  It’s time that I remember what I want and who I am, and embrace it.  I want more positive people and things around me, and to be a more positive person.  I have remembered that I am a strong amazing woman and that I need to act like one, instead of hiding behind someone else and slowly dying.


Look out Portland!!! Here I come!!@

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