Monday, March 1, 2010


So I met up with Annie, Elsa, and Elsa’s cousin Mike (I hope thats his name!) at Palio’s in Ladd’s edition.  Annie had a GIANT stash of stuff she had worked on while I was out of town, so she was ready to go.  When I pulled up on my bike her and Elsa were already putting pieces up.  We put pieces up on 4 or so trees, 3-4 benches, a few bike racks, street signs, light poles, a bus stop bench, business door handle & gate, & cables from a telephone pole.  Some of the photos I took are on flickr (there to the right) and the rest are up on my photography site


We had a TON of positive reactions today.  People would walk by and watch us and smile, a couple asked what we were doing so we let them know.  People in the coffee shop and bike shop were wondering as well so Mike went in and told them what was up.  We did have one woman who thought we should be doing something better than wasting yarn on poles and trees tho.   We decided she was just too uptight, and put up more pieces!


After that Annie and I walked to downtown, and stopped by the Vera Katz statue to place a hat on her head.  We then headed over the Hawthorne bridge and stopped at Chapman square.  I showed Annie the little hair piece I had put on the pioneer statue woman, and we decided the little boy needed a hat.  I put it on, took a couple photos, and not 2 minutes later a couple women walk by, see the hat, and say ‘We need to take that off!’.  I laughed, walked up and told Annie what they said, and backed up a little then watched them take it off.  We stood back and laughed at them while they took pictures of the statue for a good 5-8 minutes.  We still don't know why they would want to take it down, but oh well, we went back later and put it back on! Ha! Showed them!!!


After lunch we walked up to the Zoobomber monument and happened to run into Elsa, Mike and Brandie who were eating at Kenny & Zukes.  It was awesome to run into people I love being around!  Annie and I walked alllll over downtown today. We got more measurements and tons and tons of new ideas.  We definitely have our work cut out for us.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an awesome time :) Glad you're doing what makes you happy! Keep it up, and don't stop for anyone!


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