Thursday, February 25, 2010

Finally moving..

I figure its time I finally get my butt blogging, so here I go! 


I’m headed back to Portland (FINALLY) and I have so many ideas of what i want to do once I get back.  First with yarn bombing, I want to get the park benches dressed up, along with the water fountains.  Also want to hit a few of the bike racks up on Belmont in front of Stumptown (I think that would be an awesome photo op).


As for knitting projects, it’s time I tackle socks!  And a friend has a giant knitting project I just might try to take on.  We shall see!


As for myself, I have done a lot of reflecting on what I have and haven’t been the past few years.  It’s time that I remember what I want and who I am, and embrace it.  I want more positive people and things around me, and to be a more positive person.  I have remembered that I am a strong amazing woman and that I need to act like one, instead of hiding behind someone else and slowly dying.


Look out Portland!!! Here I come!!@


  1. Woot first post <3!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I am proud of you, and to think all these years I already thought you were strong and amazing... not just Portland, watch out world!


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